International New York Photography Exhibition
"February 6 Earthquake themed"
October 1-2, 2023 Manhattan, New York
online and physical exhibition
One of the worst disasters this century has impacted millions of people and left thousands homeless following two devastating earthquakes south of Türkiye-Syria border on 6 February 2023.
The earthquake hit communities at the peak of winter, leaving hundreds of thousands of people, including small children and older people, without access to shelter, food, water, heat and medical care in freezing cold temperatures.
New York Festival Art Gallery invites amateur and professional photographers to join in this international exhibition with original pictures taken by mobile phones and cameras
Exhibition Calendar
Photograph submission deadline: September 20, 2023
Payment and registration deadline: September 22, 2023
Physical and Online Exhibition in New York: October 2-3, 2023
Exhibition Calatogue Publication: November 1, 2023
Exhibition Program
October 1, 2023 (Central Park, Colombus Circle Entrance)
10:00 - 10:30 : Opening ceremony of physical exhibition
10:30 - 16:30 : Public Exhibtion
October 2 , 2023 (Times Square, City Bus Authortiy Building)
10:00 - 13:00 : Public Exhibiton
Form of Participation
We offer two alternatives
1- Online Exhibition Participation: The works will be exhibited on the online platform. After the exhibition, the exhibition catalog with ISBN will be published and a certificate of participation will be sent to the owners
2- Physical Participation: Your photos are printed by us and will be exhibited physically in Riu Plaza Hotel Exhibition Hall, Central Park and Broadway. The opening of the exhibition (the video recording will start from times square and continue with the entrance to the hotel and the exhibition hall without interruption, and will end with the display of each work in a way that the name of the work owner is visible on it) and the works will be video recorded and shared with you, and the video will be published on youtube. After the exhibition, the exhibition catalog with ISBN will be published by New York Liberty Publishing House and a certificate of participation will be sent to the owners.
Your works will be exhibited in 3 channels
- Times Square and Central Park (Colombus Circle Entrance)
- Online platform on youtube channel
Who can apply to exhibition?
Exhibition is open to all ametaur and professional photographers
"6 February earthquake" themed photos are accepted
Photograph should not contain political messages.
​Photograph should not contain discriminatory, provocative messages.
​Photograph should not have amputated limbs and similar contents.
​Photograph must have been taken by the person concerned with a mobile phone or camera.
​Photograph the photos were not taken personally by the sender, reference is required.
Important Informations
This is not a competition
It is a juried exhibition
All works that pass the jury evaluation will be exhibited (online or physical)
All exhibited works will be included in the catalog with ISBN to be published by Liberty Publishing in New York
An exhibition participation certificate will be given to all the owners of the works
Proceeds of the exhibition will be donated to earthquake victims
Exhibition Venue
Riu Plaza Hotel Times Square, Manhattan
Application Steps and Process
1- Fill the application form and send to contact@newyorkfestival.org until September 20, 2023
Application Form click
2- Jurry evaluation process takes 3-4 days. If your picture is accepted by jurry, we will send you an acceptance notice
3- Make your payment via credit card and send the payment receipt to contact@newyorkfestival.org
4- Exhibition list (works and artists names) will be published on our web site in September 28, 2023
5- Online exhibition live broadcast time and internet channel name will be included in the program.
6- Program includes also detailed physical exhibition program
This is not a commercial event.
The income of the exhibition will be transferred to the earthquake victims.
Physical Exhibiton : 150 USD
Online Exhibition Participation: 30 USD
No entry fee for visitors
Application Form click
Fee Includes
Participation certificates
Online/physical display of photos in New York
Publication of photos in the exhibition catalog with ISBN
Become a Sponsor
It is extremely important to present the effects of a sad natural disaster affecting millions of people to the world through a photographic exhibition.
You can sponsor our exhibition individually or institutionally
Benefits of Sponsorship
Your or your company will be mentioned as a sponsor at such an important international event.
Your or your company's name will be on the event website as a sponsor.
Your or your company's name will be included as a sponsor in the event film.
You or your company's name will be included as a sponsor in the catalog that will be published after the event.
You will be given a sponsorship certificate and plaque.
Sponsorship Fees
Individual Bronze Sponsorship: 50 USD
Individual Silver Sponsorship: 100 USD
Individual Gold Sponsorship: 200 USD
Corporate Bronze Sponsorship: 200 USD
Corporate Silver Sponsorship: 500 USD
Corporate Gold Sponsorship: 1000 USD
An invoice will be issued to you in return for your payment.
This event is organized by IKSAD INSTITUTE